Medixsoft is delighted to announce the acquisition of Ekohi Technologies. Our new platform incorporates the latest trends, technologies, and design patterns emerging in the software industry. Stay tuned for the release of a series of exciting new products.

Template Branding

MyPD offers template branding capabilities, allowing customization to reflect the School District's branding. This includes incorporating the district's color schemes and visual elements throughout the software. Consistent branding and design are maintained across devices, ensuring users can easily recognize and familiarize themselves with MyPD. Here's more information about these features:

Customization of Branding

MyPD provides options for customization to align the software with the School District's branding. This customization may include incorporating the district's logo, color schemes, typography, and other visual elements that represent the district's brand identity.

Visual Consistency

With template branding, MyPD ensures that the branding elements are consistently applied across the software interface, regardless of the device or screen size. This promotes a cohesive and recognizable user experience for administrators, educators, and participants using MyPD.

Familiarity and Recognition

By incorporating the School District's branding elements, MyPD becomes a familiar and recognizable platform for users. This enhances user engagement and promotes a sense of ownership and connection to the district's professional development initiatives.

Professional Appearance

Template branding ensures that MyPD presents a professional appearance consistent with the School District's overall image. It helps create a cohesive visual identity, instilling trust and confidence in the platform.

Enhanced User Experience

By incorporating branding elements, MyPD offers a personalized and cohesive user experience. Users will feel more connected to the district's brand and have a seamless transition between district resources and the MyPD platform.

By allowing template branding, MyPD ensures that the School District's visual identity and brand are reflected consistently throughout the software. This feature enhances recognition, familiarity, and trust among users while maintaining a professional and personalized user experience.